Title: The Undertaker | Direction and Editing: Yael Bartana | Choreography: Ruti Sela and Mor Bashan from the Noa Eshkol Chamber Dance Group | Performance: September 2019, world premiere at the Philadelphia Museum of Art as part of Bartana’s Bury Our Weapons, Not Our Bodies exhibit

Title: Sp3 (trailer) | Choreography: Megan Bridge | Sound: Peter Price | Performance: February 2018, world premiere at FringeArts

Title: wise norlina (excerpt) | Choreography: Hillary Pearson | Performance: wise norlina, 2016 Philadelphia Fringe Festival

Title: Body of Water | Choreography: Antonia Z Brown | Performance: 2015 Philadelphia Fringe Festival

Title: You, Amplified. | Choreography: Pamela Vail | Performance: 2012, Franklin & Marshall College