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Scratch Night: Philadelphia Compositional Improvisation Ensemble Showing

The popular, long running monthly works-in-progress series.

Come see a roster of Philly’s most talented artists perform new material from shows they are working on in this fast-paced sampling of contemporary theater, dance, performance art, and everything in between. Scratch Night is hosted and curated by a different artist each month, and features four to six short performances by local companies and artists, offering an inside look at the future of performance. This month, artists include Darling Damselfly, Mauri Walton, Hassan Syed, Graciella Maiolatesi, William “Bilwa” Costa, Kat Sullivan, and Julia Fisher.

PCIE members performing include: Kat J. Sullivan, Loren Groenendaal, Curt Haworth, Lily Oglesby, and Jenny Sawyer, with accompaniment by Cory Neale.


140 N Columbus Blvd, Philadelphia